5 common mistakes when installing WordPress

As passionate about your projects as you are

WordPress is my go to content management system for building websites.  It has a massive marketplace of developers and designers for both plugins and themes.  As I custom build a lot of my own plugins and themes I also appreciate the vast amount of documentation available. That said,  for the average non techie, it can […]

How to safely install and configure WordPress

As passionate about your projects as you are

The 5 minute WordPress install is famous. However, once installed there are still a fair few settings that you need to adjust to get your new website up and running. As promised here is my second updated WordPress guide. This guide is aimed at those going for a DIY install of WordPress. I will go over some basic safety tips and some recommendations for the best themes and plugins.

Writing a better blog with just 10 minutes a day!

Have to have coffee to help you draft those docments

Keeping a regular blog is not always easy. You start with good intentions but a few months in you miss a blog post, or maybe two, and suddenly it has been a month and you have not blogged at all. Then the guilt sets in. It is time to give yourself a break and make a fresh start. I have a simple technique that I have done with many clients. All you need is 10 minutes everyday and a supply of paper and pens.

Quick start guide to WordPress for editors

Example WordPress manual page

As usual I’m letting you get a peak at the latest draft for The website editors quick start guide to WordPress. If you get a chance have a look and let me know what you think. Always grateful to be told about typos, but also interest in anything you think I have missed.

Troubleshooting a WordPress Plugin (and a very long day)

I spend a lot of my time on WordPress, for a fair number of different clients.  When I have problems the experience and advice on blogs and support forums is always invaluable.  To that end I’ve decided to start a series of blog posts myself.  Here I intend to share solutions I have found for […]

Why is your website slow?

Slow websites

Website speed is becoming a major issue as speed has an increasing effect on search engine optimisation. Google is now actively penalising slow sites in their rankings. Visitors are expecting fast responses. If your page takes more than 3 seconds to load, unless you are Amazon or the BBC, visitors may just give up and […]