Let’s talk about: Safely running a WordPress update

WordPress updates can be scary if you are not confident with technology. Let’s talk about having a plan.  Regularly updating WordPress, along with themes and plugins, ensures that you have the latest features and bug fixes, and also protects your website from potential security vulnerabilities. However, updating WordPress can sometimes be daunting, as it involves […]

Securing Your WordPress Website: Best Plugins and Tips to Keep Your Site Safe

Securing Your WordPress Website: Best Plugins and Tips to Keep Your Site Safe WordPress is the most popular content management system (CMS) used to build websites, with over 40% of the internet powered by WordPress. However, this popularity also makes WordPress a prime target for hackers and malicious activities. It is crucial to prioritize website […]

Why you need a test version of your website

Having a second version of your website might seem like extra work, but in my years of supporting people who build their own websites, the biggest problem is stability. Unstable websites are often down to multiple plugins conflicting with each other, or orphan code left by deactivated or uninstalled plugins

WordPress install DIY guide – Resources to support small businesses

Installing WordPress is fairly straightforward with a little technical knowledge.  With our free WordPress install guide we will make it even easier.  As a fellow small business owner I understand that not everyone can afford to hire a web designer to design and build their website.   If you are a micro business or a start […]

GDPR is an opportunity to demonstrate the integrity of your business

Unless you have been living under a rock over the last 6 months most business owners have at least heard of the new EU data protection regulation. We have actually had 2 years to prepare. The deadline to comply is fast approaching, at time of writing, we have just over a month until May 25th.

Writing content for SEO and real customers

Writing content for your website is a balancing act between what will interest your target market and what will give you prominence in search results. SEO is always going to be a top priority, but it is wasted effort if you optimise your content too far and it does not appeal to real people.

Dealing with your web designer .. or your client.

The success of any web design is not just down to the skill of a creative and innovative designer, although it certainly helps. A successful project is created by good communication between client and designer.

7 super powers every web designer wishes they had

Haven’t you ever wished that the web designer job description came with a cape? It is not all cargo trousers, jeans and clever t-shirt slogans you know. Here are the 6 super powers I think we should add.

Avoid these seven traps and reduce your stress when building a new website

Building a new website can be a stressful process.     Even if you know what you want, you are in the hands of the web designer you choose to work with.   Like any creative relationship, this can involve misunderstandings, stress and anger, if you don’t get the foundations of the project right from the start. As […]