Why you need a content strategy

Take some time to write

I’ve talked to a lot of clients that just don’t get social media or blogging. They have tried it and then given up, or have not even got started seriously. To those clients I often ask 3 simple questions.

Why has traffic to your website suddenly decreased?

Traffic data going through the floor

If you monitor the traffic on your website, and if you don’t you should, there are going to be times when traffic numbers change. Changes are normal and are not always a cause for concern. However, a large sudden drop is always worth checking out. The important thing is not to panic.

Don’t be shy, put a real face to your business

As the old saying goes ‘people buy from people’, so why don’t you put your picture on your website?  Yes I can see your grimace, no surprise, most of my clients have the same reaction, but it is time to re-think. Build trust, credibility and empathy Images of you and your staff quickly establish credibility […]

Quick guide to Twitter – FREE to download

How to use twitter

So what is  a RT? Why do I need # tags and what’s the difference between a DM or @ reply. Confused?  For something with only 140 characters Twitter can still feel a little daunting to the uninitiated. Sometimes you just need a little bit of help To help you get the best out of […]

A quickstart guide to MailChimp and email newsletters

If you are interested in learning how to send out newsletters using MailChimp, then check out our quick start workbook.  This is not a complete handbook but does cover a full range of the main features to give you a head start. The guide includes Importing your email list. Using merge tags. Mailchimp template and […]

Read it! – Books for March

For all the information that is freely available often the internet books still have their place.   A book can enclose an idea and take you on a journey.   With the author as your guide the experience is guided and effortless.    On the internet you are continually sifting through mountains of data, your journey […]

Turn ‘what do I write?’ into so much to share!

For those new to social media or blogging the most common question asked is ‘what do I write?’. There is nothing more terrifying than that white piece of paper, or blinking cursor on an empty screen. However, there are a lot of quite simple techniques to help you get started.